Today’s retirement mentality has changed from those of our forefathers. Retirement used to be seen as the ending of one’s life, while today it’s seen as the beginning of a new and exciting phase. There are unique challenges, however, that face retirees today, including an ageing society which will put stresses on health care, pensions and investment portfolios.
On the other side of the coin, according to Oxford Economics, those age 60 and over, are creating a super economy which will make up 51% of the GDP of the United States within 4 years.
Unlike our forefathers, retirees are and will be continuing to contribute to the economy. According to the Ewing Marion Foundation, todays 50 plus demographic are starting businesses at twice the rate of younger age groups. Furthermore, today’s retirees are working longer and balancing their lives between leisure, family and work. They are wealthier, better educated and more adept technologically.
Here at Family Tree Wealth management, we see your retirement as more than bar charts, salacious headlines and analytics.
We approach retirement planning from a different perspective. Instead of worrying about what we can’t control, we focus on those things we can control. First we focus on you, your dreams and aspirations. We will help you discover then articulate what matters most to you and your family.
Second, we will review and simplify your current financial life and make appropriate recommendations. Next, we will unearth any myths and misconceptions about investing that you may have accumulated over time. This will allow us to work together to create a unique and enduring portfolio that you understand and appreciate. We will then partner to discuss any concerns pertaining to taxation, estate, insurance needs and the transfer of wealth to your heirs.
Finally, we will work together to develop a personalized communication strategy based on good old fashioned service.
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